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Clear skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low around 35F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph..
Clear skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low around 35F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
Serving Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey, Bellevue and Carey
Bellevue, Ketchum and Blaine County enacted bans on fireworks this week to prevent future human-caused wildfires. Most pyrotechnic devices, including sparklers, firecrackers and smoke bombs, are now prohibited.
Bellevue, Ketchum and Blaine County enacted bans on fireworks this week to prevent future human-caused wildfires. Most pyrotechnic devices, including sparklers, firecrackers and smoke bombs, are now prohibited.
Blaine County and the cities of Ketchum and Bellevue have banned the use of all types of fireworks in their jurisdictions for the 2022 fire season due to fire danger.
While Idaho law already bans the use of many fireworks—mainly aerial fireworks such as bottle rockets and Roman candles, as well as firecrackers and M-80s—so-called “safe and sane” fireworks are permitted in the state. That class of non-aerial fireworks includes sparklers and fireworks designed for ground use that do not emit sparks beyond 20 feet in diameter, such as cone fountains and “whistles.” Users are instructed to light them only on gravel or asphalt areas away from vegetation and buildings.
Sellers can sell fireworks in Idaho that are deemed illegal, if the buyer signs a waiver stating that the buyer won’t set them off in the state.
The three bans are based on the same model.
Ketchum’s resolution banning fireworks—approved Monday by the City Council—states that the city is enacting the ban because of “a severe fire threat.” The city ban extends to all fireworks, essentially any such device that is ignited or is flammable, City Administrator Jade Riley said Tuesday.
With a wetter spring, Riley said, grasses and vegetation have grown high and—with recent sunny and warm weather—have started to dry out. The city intends to issue warnings to people for their first infraction and to issue citations to “repeat offenders,” he said.
Blaine County commissioners approved the county ban on the use of fireworks on June 21, with the ban applying to the entire unincorporated area of the county. The county ban is like Ketchum’s, prohibiting all fireworks, defined by Idaho code as “any combustible or explosive composition, or any substance or combination of substances, or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation.”
“It is very important that residents continue to use caution while celebrating the Fourth of July holiday, and refrain from using fireworks, especially in areas where grasses or other vegetation could be ignited,” a county news release states.
The Bellevue City Council passed its resolution banning fireworks on Monday.
“We’ve had a lot of spring growth, but that’s bad when it dries out."
“All the city borders are in the county, and it’s drying out quickly,” said Bellevue Fire Chief Greg Beaver.
Beaver encouraged people interested in seeing fireworks to go to Hailey on the Fourth of July, where a permitted public display is scheduled at dusk.
Mayor Kathryn Goldman said it is important to understand that the city and surrounding region is still in a drought.
“We’ve had a lot of spring growth, but that’s bad when it dries out,” she said.
Beaver said he is most concerned with aerial fireworks.
“Ninety percent of the fireworks going off here are illegal,” he said. “We mostly want to keep them out of the air.”
The Blaine County, Ketchum and Bellevue bans extend until Oct. 31, the designated end of fire season.
The bans do not apply to items such as automotive safety flares, toy guns or party poppers.
Possessing or using fireworks on federal lands is also prohibited.
Hailey has not enacted a ban on “safe and sane” fireworks.
Hailey Fire Chief Mike Baledge told the City Council on Monday that he does not think a ban is currently necessary.
“We are in moderate fire danger, and it’s still pretty green,” he said. “Aerial fireworks are always illegal, and we will be enforcing the aerial fireworks [ban] and will be out on the streets actively educating people.” 
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Crazy, I get it for being on how to properly light a sparkler has already been weighed in by thoughtful parents, and aerials that is agreeably dangerous .... but take a family tradition of lighting fireworks in the driveway?! Thousands of us have never started a fourth of July fire and it's ALWAYS DRY THIS TIME OF YEAR....Rich please ...
When was the last time a sparkler started a fire? What a bunch of weenies
Well now I'm definitely going to do it....also throw tea into the Wood River.
Fireworks equal freedom. Blow em high and hot!
You have to be brain dead to equate this with not being patriotic. You have to lose this freedom because too many of you are absolute morons. The risk of starting expensive fires and burning down homes and property is just not worth it.
If you are mad, seriously, close your mouth and try not to swallow and choke on your own tongue as you try and breath through your nose and maybe think about doing something to help the community and world around you for the first time in your life instead of being a selfish excuse for a human.
Not everything is or has to be political. Sometimes you are just an idiot.
Simple non compliance is the way. Ignore these old Karen's trying to control you.
First it was taking away the shoot out in the parade, then no throwing candy, and now no fireworks. What’s next? Are you going to ban the American flag? Better not have the police in the parade. It might trigger somebodies safe space. Better get rid of the livestock in the rodeo. Too much carbon emission. Wokism is a cancer of the true American spirit.
There was a nice big fireworks event in Sun Valley last night up until about 10:30pm. Perhaps Sun Valley Company is not particularly concerned about fires the way Ketchum and Bellevue are?
rules for thee but not for me, these corps and local city goverments can do what they want apparently.